Saturday, September 28, 2019

Adopted..A classic Ashton Drake, made new!

Radiance of Joy was made and released about 20 years ago.  When I found this doll on eBay for sale, I knew she would be a lot of fun to reborn.

She was in pretty decent shape, but her age began to show as I stripped her manufactured paint and removed her wig.
Her mouth split along the gumline top and bottom and under her wig was a large ink stain and small hole.

Instead of trashing the doll and counting her as a loss, I rolled up my sleeves and put my imagination to work!

I knew that I would have to paint her before I could fix her mouth.  Curing her first layer was a nail biter as I watched and waited for her to fall apart.  To my relief, she survived!!  I became more excited as she slowly came to life and took on a new ooak look.

Once I was happy with her paint, I went forward with the mouth surgery.  Luckily, the tear was in an area where two small baby teeth could go.  This didn't conceal the entire area, so I decided to play with the idea of spit bubbles and drool.  This not only patched and filled the gaping tear, but it gave her a whole new look and actually gave her a new personality!

Phew!  I was past that hot mess and onto a whole new one...the hair.  I couldn't root fully, but ended up finding a partial cap mohair wig.  Since it didn't cover her whole head, I had to go underneath and fill in with a similar color mohair and then cut, thin and blend the wig with the rooted area.  Her lashes were rooted as well top and bottom.

This little girl went through a big make-over, including, new paint, new body, new hair, new teeth, new outfit and even a new name...


My precious, happy baby girl

"Hailey Grace"

Hailey is now a fine art collectible and not suitable for children.  She is a true representation of how reborning can make something old into something new and beautiful!

Before                                     After

Ashton Drake Lil Blake gets a new saddle!

 I haven't posted a blog in a while!  I have been busy with YouTube and other social media!  My latest project outside reborning has bee...