Thursday, March 28, 2019

ADOPTED Princess Adelaide by Andrea Arcello

5/29/19 The princess has arrived!!

5/26/19 Update

Rooting has been underway and I'm half way there!!  I expect this one to be completed and ready for adoption by the end of the week, just in time for summer!!

Isn't she sweet!  I can't wait to get lashes on this beauty!!

A blanket fit for a princess!


Im getting ready to root another sweetheart! Princess Adelaide is a 22" angel baby with the cutest pout and stands on her tippy toes with assistance.

As usual, lighting was being difficult, but boy is she cute!!

5/14/2019: I'm finally ready to get this lady rooted and ready for adoption! She has been waiting for a few months while I wrap up other doll projects!!

Friday, March 22, 2019

Adopted...Ready for Adoption...Twins!! Edwin and Leilani by Elisa Marx...


Introducing Sugar and Spice!!

Sugar (Leilani by Elisa Marx) - 19" long, 5lbs 7oz
Spice (Edwin by Elisa Marx) - 19" long, 5lbs 1oz

Spice (left), Sugar (right)






All ready to go home!!

5-31-2019 Update

Look at these beautiful, sweet girls!!!  Now to grow some hair and they will be ready to adopt!!

I'm going with a very fine newborn look in their hairstyle.  I started with "Spice" and used a kid mohair that is very fine and mimics newborn hair perfectly!  

Coming right along!!

Sneak peek of their handmade blanket <3
Even their blanket was reborn.... from 2 other blankets!!

One done rooting,  now for round two!!  What a stinker!!


I have  been wanting to reborn twins for a while, but not necessarily ones that look exactly alike..this is the norm and I wanted to create something new, exciting and different.  I chose two sculpts both by Elisa Marx (Leilani and Edwin) and decided to make them both girl genders.
Blank sculpts (Leilani and Edwin kits)

I have been playing around with the sugar and spice theme in my head for a while and thought these two fit that idea very well!
They are both 19" completed with different limbs and expression, but key features are identical.

I'm really in love with these two little girls!  So much fun!!

Ashton Drake Lil Blake gets a new saddle!

 I haven't posted a blog in a while!  I have been busy with YouTube and other social media!  My latest project outside reborning has bee...