Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Adopted Teegan by Ping Lau

What a precious sculpt!!  I enjoyed reborning this one so much that I ordered another from Irresistables.com!  Of course they are currently on backorder, but she is worth the wait.

Teegan was so much fun to paint... I knew I wanted a lighter asian skintone for this one and even though she is a whopping 28" of snuggles... she went very fast!  
Once I completed her painted, i got to work on her rooting and used a straight virgin human hair in black... so pretty and soft!! 

         What a sweet baby girl!!  What do you think?!

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Ashton Drake Lil Blake gets a new saddle!

 I haven't posted a blog in a while!  I have been busy with YouTube and other social media!  My latest project outside reborning has bee...